B. J. Orr

B. J. Orr

Brief Biography

Brian John Orr is an Australian scientist specializing in laser spectroscopy and optical parametric oscillators. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Sydney and his Ph.D. from the University of Bristol, in the United Kingdom. He was a Professor of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales where his research included mainly UV-IR laser double-resonance spectroscopy using CO2 lasers and narrow-linewidth tunable UV dye lasers. In 1988 he was appointed Professor of Chemistry at Macquarie University, where his research emphasis focuses on the development of tunable optical parametric oscillators for high-resolution spectroscopic applications.

Orr has had a distinguished scholarly career. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, a Fellow the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and a Fellow of the Optical Society. He is also the recipient of various awards including the Optical Society's William F. Meggers Award.

Selected Publications

Additional Biographies

Ronald E. Aitchison
Frederick Chong
Angel Costela
Richard H. Dalitz
Francisco J. Duarte
Catherine P. Foley
Lloyd W. Hillman
Robert O. James
Elmer Laisk
Willis E. Lamb
Ignacio E. Olivares
James A. Piper
Roberto Sastre
Thomas M. Shay
Kathleen M. Vaeth
John Clive Ward
Colin E. Webb


Page published on the 13th of September, 2017

Updated on the 17th of September, 2017